Contributors to the ScalableOGo Project

Please let us know if there are any other people we should list! SOGo relies on the SOPE frameworks for almost all of its functionality. So be sure to hurray our SOPE Contributors!

Helge Hess

Developed the concept of the ScalableOGo server, designing a web application to host hundreds of thousands of users. Helge implemented large parts of the initial ScalableOGo server and is the projectlead of the project.

Wolfgang Sourdeau

Wolfgang is certainly the most active ScalableOGo developer. He designed and implemented the new AJAX-heavy interface and provides a constant stream of bugfixes for SOGo and SOPE.

Ludovic Marcotte

The team leader of Inverse also happens to be an excellent software developer. Ludovic implemented an Oracle OCI connector for SOPE/SOGo and prototyped the native Funambol connector.

Marcus Mueller

Marcus implemented large parts of the initial SOGo web interface. He worked on AJAXy recipient boxes and dynamic attachment upload.

Early Project Members

In addition to the core developers Maxime Wacker, Francois Armand and Sylvain Lhullier did a lot of supporting work in the early stages of the development.